Neckarspinnerei Quartier hydroelectric power plant
At the heart of our Neckarspinnerei Quartier development are two buildings housing a total of three hydroelectric turbines. One of these was built in 1983, while the other two are historically valuable, fully functioning machines dating all the way back to 1936. This goes to show that well-maintained, regularly modernised hydroelectric systems usually have an extremely long lifespan – another way in which they fulfil sustainability criteria.
A movable bear trap gate which is operated autonomously via floats dams the Neckar, increasing its depth by approx. 3 metres. The water is channelled into a 300-metre-long leat and fed to the turbines, which generate about 3 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a year. For ecological reasons, steps are always taken to ensure that sufficient water still flows along the original riverbed.